Monday, May 5, 2014

Stretch to Fit- Bands Workout

As promised, here are my favorite resistance bands moves.  Do these at the hotel, at home, or even in the gym for a fast, fun, full-body toning routine!

This workout is designed to be not only space, but also time efficient, combining upper and lower body moves whenever possible to maximize calorie burn and muscle tone.   It's low impact and straightforward- perfect for when your mind is too tired to process a complicated workout- 2 layovers in one day, anyone?  The only equipment you need is your favorite resistance band and a hotel towel for floor work, if you'd like.  Any thickness of band will do, as you can almost always increase or decrease tension as needed to make any exercise harder or easier, respectively.  

Keep it simple by performing the exercises for time, not counting reps.  Shoot for a full minute of effort on each activity and, as long as you've got the energy, add 30 seconds of band punches between each exercise for a great cardio benefit.   Remember, the less time you waste, the sooner you can hit the hot tub or flip on some HBO, so don't give yourself any rest time between moves!  Perform the whole circuit 4 times through and in less than half an hour you'll work every muscle group in the body & have lots more energy too!

Get the moves:

Band punches-  Works the shoulders, back, and core.

Comfortably position the band behind your upper back, holding onto the band itself or the  handles.  You might need to 'reel in' some of the band to feel enough resistance.  Throw alternating jabs and crosses at a quick pace to warm up your muscles making sure to keep tension on the band through the entire motion.  

Keep your lower body loose but active, staying up on your toes and moving quickly to get that cardio perk.  Do a full minute the first time through, then shoot for just 30 seconds between the other exercises to keep the heart-rate in the target zone.   

Push-up & Plank Twist- Works chest, back, shoulders, and core.

With the band in the same place as the previous exercise, assume the push-up position, carefully tucking the ends under the hands. 

 Perform either a traditional or knee push-up, bringing your chest close to the ground & back up with control.  Once in the original straight arm position, lift one hand off the ground, twisting into a side plank.  

Repeat on the opposite side.  

Chest Flye Crunches-  Works chest and core.

Keep the band in the previous position for one more exercise!  Roll onto your back and bend your knees, planting your feet on the ground.  Begin with your palms facing inward, elbows bent slightly, and arms perpendicular to the ground.  

You should feel like you're in position to be squeezing a beach ball in your arms and punching your fists together in the middle.  From here, contract your core to lift your shoulders (not just head) off the ground, being careful to keep the band securely around your back.  

With control, lower your shoulders and arms towards the ground.  

Once your upper arms are about parallel to the ground you should return to the original position and repeat.

Side Shuffle Squat & Curl- Works hips, glutes, quads, and biceps.

With your feet wide and the band underneath, perform a biceps curl by bending at the elbows and lifting the handles to meet the shoulders.  

While holding the curl position, squat down, knees in line with toes, and take a large shuffling step towards the left.  

Straighten knees and arms.  Repeat in the other direction.

One-Legged Overhead Extensions- Works triceps and core.

Put just one foot on the band and hold only the handle on the same side.  Extend your arm straight overhead and bring the opposite foot off the ground.  

Find your balance and begin the arm motion by bending at the elbow, bringing the hand behind the head.  

Your upper arm should stay stationary near your ear throughout the exercise.  Finish a full minute on one side before switching to the other.

RDL Row- Works back, hamstrings, glutes, and core.

Stand with feet firmly planted on the band and about hip width apart.  Cross the handles of ends of bands in front of you and hold with palms facing inward.  Take a slight bend in the knees, hinge forward at the hips with a strong, neutral back.  Leading with your elbows, use your back strength to pull handles towards your ribs and hold them there- that's the row!  

Then keeping the lower body stationary & back straight, bring your upper body to an upright position for a modified deadlift targeting your hamstrings & back.  

Slowly hinge at the hips, then let out the tension in the band.

Lunge & Press- Works quads, calves, glutes, and shoulders.

In a staggered stance (one foot about 2 feet in front of the other), secure the band under the front foot.  Begin with palms facing forward, handles by the shoulders, then straighten arms above your head in unison.  

Return to the original arm position then lower yourself into a lunge until your front thigh is about parallel to the ground, making sure to prevent the knee from going further forward than the toes, and keeping most of your weight forward, using your back leg mainly for stability.  

Return to the original position and repeat.

Please try this workout to keep fit the next time you're on the road!  I hope you've enjoyed the article, and if you liked the outfit, all clothing picture is by Columbia Sportswear.  Thanks for reading & please join me next time for more info on keeping healthy on-the-go!

Yours in Fitness,


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